
Cybersecurity is the preparation of defending computers, servers, mobile strategies, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It is also recognized as information technology security or electronic data security. The term is applied in different contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be broken down into a few common categories.

Categories of Cybersecurity

  • Network security is the training to protect a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware.
  • Application security efforts on keeping software and devices free from threats. For example, an affected application could access data intended to protect. Adequate protection begins at the design stage, long before a deployed program or device.
  • Information security defends the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit.
  • Operational security includes the processes and choices to manage and protect data resources. Users’ permissions to access a network and the procedures determining how and where data can be store or share fall into this category.
  • Disaster recovery and business stability define how an organization responds to a cybersecurity incident or any other event that reasons operations to stop or data to be lost. Disaster recovery policies dictate how the association restores its functions and information to the same operational capacity as before the event. Business continuity is the plan that the organization falls back on when trying to operate without specific resources.
  • End-user training addresses the most unpredictable factor in cybersecurity: people. If good security practices are not followed, anyone can accidentally introduce a virus into an otherwise secure system. Therefore, teaching users to remove suspicious email attachments, not plug in unidentified USB drives, and other essential lessons is critical to any organization’s security.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most critical challenges of the digital age. The global growth of networks and information, fueled by technological innovation, has enabled society to create prosperity and improve quality of life. However, this rapid change has also made a long-term challenge: managing security risks as the world becomes more reliant on cyber and threats grow.

International business leaders ranked cyber threats as one of the top business risks based on PwC’s 21st Global CEO Survey.

strategy of cybersecurity

In addition to protecting a company against cyber threats and having a security policy, it has, among others, these benefits:

  • It plays a vital role in a company’s decisions and helps it achieve its objectives.
  • Helps the company meet the most demanding quality standards and good practice guidelines.
  • It allows employees, who work in SCI environments and critical infrastructures, to feel safe in their work.
  • Protect business productivity.
  • It inspires confidence in customers since having a sound cybersecurity policy is a clear sign that their data will be store and operate safely.
  • Evade possible legal claims due to a loss of classified information.

Types of Cyber Threats

Types Of Cyber Threats

There are three threats facing cybersecurity:

  • Cybercrime includes individual agents or groups attacking systems for financial gain or disruption.
  • Cyber-attacks often involve information gathering for political purposes.
  • Cyberterrorism aims to weaken electronic systems to cause panic or fear.

Here are some of the standard methods use to threaten cybersecurity:


“Malware” refers to malicious software. As one of the most mutual cyber threats, malware is software made by a cybercriminal or hacker to disrupt or damage a legitimate user’s computer. Often spread via an unsolicited email supplement or legitimate-looking download, cybercriminals can use malware to make money or conduct political cyberattacks.

There are different types of malware, containing the following:

Virus: A program proficient in reproducing itself, which embeds itself in a clean file and spreads throughout the computer system, infecting files with malicious code.

Trojan Horses:  A type of malware that masquerades as legitimate software. Cybercriminals trick users into uploading Trojans to their computers, where they cause harm or save data.

Spyware: A program that secretly records anything an operator does so that cybercriminals can use this data. For example, spyware might capture credit card details.

Ransomware: Malware locks a user’s files and data with the threat of deletion if a ransom is paid.

Botnets: Malware-infected computer networks used by cybercriminals to perform online tasks without user permission.

SQL Injection

An SQL injection (for its acronym in English Structured Query Language) is a type of cyber attack use to take control and steal data from a database. Cybercriminals activity vulnerabilities in data-driven applications to insert malicious code into a database using a negative SQL statement. It gives them access to the sensitive information contained in the database.


Phishing is when cyber criminals attack their victims with emails that appear to be from a legitimate company requesting sensitive information. It attacks are often use to entice people to hand over their credit card details and other personal information.

Cybersecurity tips: protect yourself from cyberattacks

How can companies and also, persons protect themselves against cyber threats? Here are our top cybersecurity tips:

  • Update software and operating system: This means that you will benefit from the latest security patches.
  • Use antivirus software: Security keys such as Kaspersky Total Security will spot and remove threats. Keep your software up to date for the best level of defence.
  • Use solid passwords: Make sure your passwords are not easy to predict.
  • Do not open email supplements from unknown senders: they could be infect with malware.
  • Do not click on links in emails from unidentified senders or websites: this is a common way malware is spread.
  • Avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi networks in public places: Unsecured networks leave you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.


Cybersecurity is the security of your computer systems and also, data against cyber attacks. In addition, cybersecurity helps ensure that your private information remains private, even when transferred over the Internet.