Online Privacy Write For Us – Contribute and Submit Post

Online Privacy Write For Us

Online Privacy Write for Us

Online privacy, also recognized as internet privacy or digital privacy, refers to how private your personal, financial, and browsing data is when you’re online. This has become a rising concern as browsing history and personal data are more at risk. To cite just one example, the number of publicly reported data breaches in the US through September 2021 was up 17% over the previous year. Online Privacy Write For Us

Many people underestimate the importance of privacy online, but they should be aware of the information they share not only on social networks but also through browsing.

Why is Online Privacy Important?

The importance of digital privacy becomes clear when you mentally list the personal things you’re willing to share with complete strangers and the things you don’t want to share. Of course, you don’t want your medical records, bank statements, or even a few items in your shopping cart to become widely known. Anyone who has seen you has seen how easy it is to get personal info about somebody, such as their home address, friends’ names, likes, or favorite places based on what they’ve shared publicly.

Yes, you can brand your social media account secluded and share specific content only with specific people. But how do you really know what social networks are doing with the data you share? What about your other online traces, such as your browsing history, purchases, or your online correspondence?

Concerns About Personal Privacy on the Internet

In a survey of US internet users, 81% of those surveyed believed they had no control over the data collected by private companies. Worse, the number jumped to 84% when people were asked if they could control the data the government collects.

To address similar concerns, the EU has adopted the GDPR or General Data Protection Rule. This set of laws, accepted in 2016 and applied in 2018, aims to protect the privacy and data of all EU citizens.

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Why to Write for PC World Solutions –  Online Privacy Write for Us

Online Privacy

  • Writing for PC World Solution can expose your website to customers looking for online Privacy.
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  • You can reach out to Online Privacy enthusiasts.
  • Our publications focus on specific topics or causes. Writing for such outlets allows you to support and promote issues that are important to you.
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  • Writing for us is a great way to show your know-how and establish yourself as an expert. Additionally, you get contact via our social media channels and our goodwill.

Search Terms Related to Online Privacy Write for Us

  • Privacy
  • Internet
  • Data Privacy
  • Personally Identifiable Information
  • Physical Address
  • GPS Tracking
  • Security
  • Bruce Schneier
  • Surveillance
  • Digital Privacy
  • President Clinton
  • Anonymity
  • Internet Censorship
  • Location-Based Service#Privacy Issues
  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
  • Privacy Concerns With Social Networking Services
  • Spatial Cloaking
  • Right to be Forgotten
  • Privacy in Australian Law

Search Terms for Online Privacy Write for Us

online privacy write for us
write for us online privacy
guest post online privacy
submit article online privacy
write for us privacy
privacy write for us
online security write for us
cybersecurity write for us
data protection write for us
digital privacy write for us
Internet privacy write for us
write for us privacy tips
write to us about privacy best practices

Guidelines  of the Article – Online Privacy Write for Us

  • The guest post must cover at least 800 more words.
  • An article should be valuable and obliging to the user deprived of time-limited language.
  • The article must be 100% sole and free from copyright breach and must not contain syntactic errors.
  • The article or blog admission must, in any case, cover two important copyrighted images.
  • Our quality checks will check the nature of the substance, the specialized SEO, and the rank of the connection. In case all are rendering to our rules, at that time, the live joining of the item will continue to be sent within 2 hours.
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